Finish the game alone.
Finish the game with Thomas.
Finish the game with a soldier.
Finish the game with an old friend.
Finish the game with Marc.
Finish the game with Charles.
Finish the game with Bob.
Finish the game with Brandon.
Finish the game with Matthew.
Finish the game with Bill.
Finish the game with Jesse.
Finish the game with Harry.
Shoot a horse.
Take 6 passengers to Metropole
Take out 4 enemies with one exploding barrel
Take 6 passengers to the L-abs Bunker
Get through any corrupted station without firing a bullet
Take 6 passengers to Ristol
Get through the Metro Station without using a medkit
Destroy 3 other enemies by shooting an exploding enemy
Shoot a bird
Kill 10 enemies by throwing objects at them
Take 3 passengers to Emergency Station A-45